Soreness after the first night
on a new neck pillow is normal. That's why we recommend using the pillow gradually. It's even recommend to use the gravity sided gradually first. Now, don't take me the wrong way, you can be sore from using the gravity side also. We have found that this side is slightly easier to get used to than the "V" side. Soreness can actually be a good thing; then we know we're making change. I have a family member who feels like she's getting a neck hump or hunch-back. I told her along with the pillow, to start doing
some head retraction exercises. I explained the to her - I don't know if she got it though? At least she's got the traction pillow...
Visit for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units. Products for pain relief.
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